One of the indicators of the health of the woman is the feature of gender, of the secretion. The selection for the sexual relations is a complex process, designed by nature. How should be the norm, and what is considered a pathology, — read more in this article.

Features female award when she is aroused
Almost all of the couples in the moment of intimacy observed deficit of moisture of the vagina, and with the increase of the sexual desire increases.
Highlights of the women when she is aroused?
In the use of the secretion, which appears during sexual intercourse, it is called fat. It is clear fluid mucus without odor, and a homogeneous consistency. Describes the substrate is composed of liquid and cellular components are of the secretion of the glands of the epithelium of the vagina and the uterus, leukocytes, and a variety of microorganisms.
How much mucus should be normal?
Usually female fat separates up to 5 ml per day. The amount of liquid with the excitation increases considerably thanks to the tide of blood to the walls of the vagina and the stimulation of the sex glands. The selection when it is excited by one of the girls can be too generous or, on the contrary, the scarcity. Sometimes, the largest number is assigned during the orgasm.
For what is the female lubrication?
The secret performs many functions. Through him, the sex becomes more comfortable, it guarantees easy introduction and of the slide. Sticky composition allows to reduce the contact with foreign microorganisms, creating a protective barrier against germs and infections.
During the fertile period together with the representatives of the beautiful sex of this fluid adapts to the composition, creating a favorable environment for the sperm, promoting in this way the conception.
The white discharge during sex (as cream)
Often, the lady noticed the same thick white selection when the sex and after it. Many describe it using the phrase "like a flan".
Doctors in the forums no one can explain the nature of this type of secretion, and many users recommend to visit the clinic and give the analysis. However, the gynecologists say that the white of the cream of choice should not be to scare a woman, if you do not have an odour, are of a uniform consistency, and is not accompanied by the not too pleasant feelings in form of burning, itching and pain during urination. This feature, according to the experts, is that of the mucus on certain days in the menstrual cycle.
The case is that throughout the cycle the hormone levels are constantly changing, the amount of estrogen increases and decreases. The action of these substances and determines the character of the secretion. In addition to the vagina, the mucus produced by the uterus, called the tservikalnuyu liquid.
Its primary function is to assist in the transport of sperm into the egg. In a figurative sense, is the storage of the seed, the environment that is favourable to him and which enables him to survive in the acidic conditions of the vaginal microflora.
As it changes the secretion during the sexual act, within the period of a month?
Characteristic of vaginal discharge depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle in which there was sexual intimacy.
At the beginning of the mucus very little, her color clear and very watery. Its function at this stage is in the barrier, which constitutes the channel (the so-called cap cervical) that prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterus of the mother.
When ovulation approaches, the amount of estrogen increases, which affects the functioning of the whole organism, in particular, to the system and the properties of the vaginal mucus. The vaginal fluid becomes abundant, thick, viscous, and alkaline. It has a pronounced smell of the egg white, cream, or white.
After ovulation the mucus once again occurs in a minimal amount.
The nature of vaginal mucus and cervical fluid can even count on in which phase of the fertility of the woman, and if it is possible to conceive.
To calculate the most suitable for the fertilization of the days, you should pay attention to the signs and types of sexual mucus:
- With the presence of scant secretions and dryness of the vagina, conception is impossible (immediately after the critical days, and before them).
- Sticky tape and adhesive mucus, which dries rapidly in the fingers, the minimum can contribute to the survival of the sperm.
- Cream white selection when the sex without the odor will report on the approximation of the ovulation and increase the chances of getting pregnant.
- The period of ovulation characterized by emitting viscous white liquid, reminiscent of the egg white. The increased likelihood of pregnancy.
- Then, the level of estrogen is on the decline, which makes the system less capable of the conservation and transport of the male seed.
These assignments can be changed by other factors. Swept away by the stress and disease in your legs, hormonal imbalance, medications, including hormones, antibiotics, allergic reactions, infectious diseases, and gynecologic pathology are able to change the description assigned to the sex of the mucus.
Abundant selection during sex
It allocates a significant amount of secrecy, as a general rule, not to speak of the pathology. In addition, the volume of secretions will help to orient in the probability of conception vaginal method. It suggests the following steps: introduction 2 fingers in the vagina (deep enough), the subsequent extraction and determination of the existence of liquid.
Strong selection during intercourse can talk about the ovulation, as well as on the contrasts in an intimate environment, so it works this method only in the absence of pathologies and diseases.
Pathology and disease
The cause of the excessive excretion of fat to the girl when she is aroused can be some violations.
A common disease, is manifested in the excessive drainage of the nature, it is the bacterial vaginosis. During and after sex are observed sticky abundant mucus, yellow, green or dirty white in color, with the smell of fish. During sexual intercourse may appear pains in the form of burning and itching.
The consistency of the curd, the color white and the smell of kefir is referred to Candidiasis, also known as candidiasis.

Sexually transmitted infectious diseases, such as chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea often explain considerable podtekanie stinking liquid of different colors at the time of the intimacy.
Natural causes abundant white discharge women after sexual relationship
This discharge may appear as a result of the mixture of vaginal secretions and semen of men. Sometimes has a yellowish hue, and of the proteins of smell similar to a hen's egg. Usually, the discomfort of this mucus is not. Genital selection sufficiently abundant, and speaking of end of the sexual act, ejaculation in the vagina.
Often, the cause of the strong women of the emissions to the dismissal of white color becomes the hypersensitivity. In this case, you can not bring the signal to the pathology, rather, is a psychological phenomenon and emotional nature.
Scarce selection of sex
Sometimes, the fat does not exist at all, that is the consequence of the problem. It is possible that you broke down the acid-base balance, or alteration of the microflora. The most common reason hormone occurs an error, that is why the dryness of the vagina, is often detected in the period of menopausal.
The clients of the woman and the opinion of the experts
Olga, 37 years old: "During the excitement I have as strong of selection, which in the underwear remain even stains. And this does not change with the course of the menstrual cycle. Except that, in their half, they become more white and more sticky. The stroke performed the analysis of the infections I don't have any."
Victor sergeevich, the gynaecologist: "women are in reproductive age and selection during sexual intercourse are natural, and even mandatory. They talk about tides of blood to the genitals, the mucous membranes of the breast that produce the secret, so-called sexual of fat. If the local microflora of the sensitivity of the selection, especially at the top of the excitement will be abundant and watery, regardless of what type is produced from the selection. This symptom can be reduced through the use of topical medications. The important thing is not to self-medicate, to not dry out the mucosa.
Here you can go and the emotional state of women, and an increase in the level of the hormone estrogen. Therefore, if these selection during intercourse deliver the discomfort, see a specialist to establish their etymology".
Briefly about the
Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the lubrication oil during sex conditioned by the working of the glands, genitals. In the first place, is the result of the surge of blood to the walls of the vagina and stimulation of the mucosa of the glands. In the second place, the uterus, the nature of which varies depending on the period of the menstrual cycle.
The white discharge in women during the sexual act or after it, with the exclusion of diseases that may indicate the proximity of ovulation, when conception is most likely. Important that you pay attention to the nature of this secretion, and to take into account possible changes of their properties in different periods. If vaginal mucus also lead to your discomfort, see your doctor to determine and correct the cause. And greetings!